System Requirements
Wildcat! MultiLine 10, MultiLine 48 and
MultiLine Platinum
Recommended Software:
Although Wildcat! 4 is a 16-bit DOS
application, The program will run in your favorite operating systems. You can run Wildcat!
in DOS, OS/2, DESQview, Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11, and Windows 95. The program has been
specifically optimized for DOS and OS/2 but will perform quite well in Windows 95.
Recommended Hardware:
Multitasking 1 to 3 lines on a single PC with
DESQview: 386-33 or higher with 1-2 MB RAM per dial-in node, hard drive.
Multitasking 4 to 8 lines on a single PC with
DESQview: 486-33 or higher, 8-16 MB RAM, hard drive. Serial I/O boards required
to run 8 lines are PC/8e, PC/8em or PC/8i Digiboard with connecting cable or multiport
serial card that is FOSSIL compatible. An external modem and voice grade telephone line
are required for each incoming modem connection.
LAN connections: IBM AT or true
compatible, 512K RAM, no floppy required.
A serial port and external modem or internal modem and
voice grade telephone line is required for each incoming modem connection.