Wildcat! 4 BBS Suite
Only Santronics could revolutionize the industry by producing
the first "BBS Suite". The Wildcat! BBS Suite includes our top-of-the-line
Wildcat! MultiLine Platinum BBS software with the wcPRO database utility, wcFAX on-demand
server, wcGATE Internet/Novell MHS mail gateway, and wcCODE development tool kit to give
you the ultimate BBS solution.
Wildcat! BBS Suite processes statistics and creates graphs
on Wildcat!'s activities; allows your customers to receive product literature and
troubleshooting tips via fax; attaches your message databases to the Internet and
MHS-compatible E-Mail products; and gives you all the power to fully customize Wildcat!'s
interface and create custom BBS applications, all in one economical yet powerful package.
The BBS Suite is the ultimate tool for the professional Sysop -- you!